Sunday, March 25, 2007

Blender First Impressions

Most of my experience with open source software has been pretty painful. Ugly web sites, broken installs & inexplicable error messages are the norm. Surprisingly, my first 10 minutes with Blender exhibited none of these problems. On the surface, it has all the core features of its proprietary competitors. Once you actually start using it the warts start to show, UI inconsistancy, poor work flow for common tasks, etc. But, I'm willing to overlook that. After all it's free.

One of the things that attracted me to Blender was the python scripting, and I'm glad to say I was not disappointed. The API documentation is a bit spotty, and has the stench of auto-generatation. But they do provide lots of example scripts, so I tore open a simple import script and added support for Cylindrix PFD files in no time.

I'm going to use it for my devious character animation experiments. Hopefully, the joy of the strange will remain...

Directed Acyclic Garbage

I hope to explore some interesting topics in this space. Things will likely be tech oriented, with a leaning toward game programming & all it entails, 3D graphics, animation, c++ etc.

So without further adieu...